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PLEASE NOTE: For the most part, your site should be relevant to the subject of CARS. Since almost everyone drives cars - the exception to this rule *might* be Non-car related sites that have extremely high traffic based on your current Alexa Traffic Rank. If you have questions regarding this then please Contact Us
Just in case you are unaware of the reciprocal link exchange etiquette, it requires that you put MY LINK up on your site FIRST.
I will let you know by e-mail when your link is up on my site, but please allow 24 to 48 hours. Here is the info you will need for linking to this website. Copy and paste the code into your website *EXACTLY* as its shown in the box below, then fill out the Reciprocal Link Exchange form at the bottom of this page...Thank you! Source Code:
THIS WEBSITES DESCRIPTION: APPROPRIATE CATEGORIES FOR MY LINK COULD BE: Please Note: I will maintain only the absolute “Highest Traffic” website's to be listed on this site, and only businesses of the highest integrity will be permitted. You only need apply for this link exchange if your website is getting an average of 50 or more Visitors a day. I reserve the right to accept/decline applications at my discretion. * PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE check my link to be sure it is working correctly from your site!
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